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Story #18

"An Angel Had Been Sent"

"An Angel Had Been Sent"

Driving home with my wife from a wedding, we were half way through a 3 hour drive home. Knowing I had a bit of a drive home, I did not partake in any alcoholic beverages at the event. The section of the road we were on was dark; very few landmarks or places to stop. My wife was dozing next to me and my eyes started to get very heavy. Lights began flashing in my rear view mirror, the red and blue of a police cruiser. The officer asked for my ID and told me that I was swerving a bit and he was concerned for our safety. I explained the situation and he suggested that we might want to pull off somewhere safe and take a rest or check into a hotel for the night. I thanked him for his genuine concern and assured him we would be fine. As I put the car into drive, I looked into the rear view mirror to wait for the officer to pull out ahead of me and there was nothing there. No lights, no car, no nothing. An angel had been sent.


Age 67

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